Monday, April 19, 2010

Good Dog, speak!

My name is Lexi, and I am an adopted dog of the mixed breed variety. Some call us "mutts."
My mistress sometimes calls me "Lexicon"--which I think sounds common! or "Lexapro"--which I hear is a happy pill! But anything is better than my original name of "Adelheide!"

I just gotta say: being adopted is wonderful. About a year ago I entered the household of my current mistress, joining the pack with her husband and an inbred rottie, named "Luke."
You would think heaven had made a surprise landing in the livingroom the way they carry on about the simplest things I do! In contrast to the big gullute, who can't tell a "Come" from a "stay" command, I look like the smartest thing since cheese whiz!

Luke doesn't understand it when I get slipped the best scraps, and catch the most belly rubs--
I wanna scream "Basic Obedience!" at him, but he still wouldn't get it. Those folks at the SPCA weren't dealing with a moron! I knew my ticket outa there was all about the people....
Once they showed me the ropes, I knew all I had to do was bat my lashes and answer to any name they gave me and I was home free. Goodbye Adelheide, hello Lexi--or whatever...

Spoiled inbreds don't even have to try. They look like the picture of whatever they're supposed to be, and people fall all over 'em. Luke is a beauty of a rottweillor, but I outclass him all the time.

Hey, I got the best genes from whatever my parents were. Some people say I look like a german
shepherd, some guess there's a corgie in there, too; lots say I look like a keshound or an australian shepherd....I like to keep 'em guessing. If I mind my manners and act humble, they just love to feel sorry for me!

As much as caninely possible, I keep to myself. Other than the occasional frolic with the big guy, or the short-lived snuggle with the mistress, I go my own way. If I want attention, all Ihave to do is whimper a little, and she comes running! And don't get me started about the hubbie, he
is so protective, I can hardly go for a car ride without him fussing about it to the mistress!
"Did you lock the doors?" "If you lost her, it'd be the death of you!" Reallly?

But it's nice here. Lots of room to roam about. No cars to watch out for. Luke stays indoors a lot, but me, I gotta see the world out there. There's squirrels, there's ducks, there's even deer!
And a turkey comes 'round at night!
Wre've survived all these eons by adapting
You never get bored. There's others in the pack, but they don't hang around here long. There's a girl who brings her dogs over to play with me. (So annoying)!
There's the really tall guy who lets me sleep on his bed at night when he's here...
There's the little lady who seems like my mistress but closer to the ground; she loves to pet me and talk baby talk to me...They come and go. They all like Luke, too. But I can tell I'm the favorite.

Life is good. Don't ask me for any pearls of wisdom. For dogs, it's much simpler than for people. We adapt, that's our genius. Gotta go now--something moved in those bushes!

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