Friday, April 1, 2011

Dreaming with Stephen King...

An unsettling prospect--perhaps--but, so far, not too bad. I drift off each night with Mr. King's "voice" telling me a tale about ordinary people who go through extraordinary experiences.
Isn't this what we all identify with? I'm reading stuff all out of order, I'm sure. It doesn't matter if I have the latest tome on the market. I didn't really love DREAM CATCHERS or DOME so much as the older ones like PET SEMATARY and ROSE MADDER. Those new bigger works were just too bulky and dragged on and on....

"Cujo" and "The Girl Who Loved Tim Gordon" are short and do the job. I even read "On Writing" and enjoyed the ride. As a boomer, I fall into a category in-between those whose imaginations have been well-exercised in childhood and those whose imaginations have been warped by TV, cheap comic books, and movies. It all comes together in one mind with Stephen King, I think.

His characters often repeat unconscious mantras to themselves as they go about their days, just as we all do. The little jingles from cartoons and commercials that play in our heads are just part of the stream-of-consciousness of characters like us. And when these ordinary people confront dead pets coming back to life out of Indian burial grounds, and antique paintings that change and influence the real world, even (as in DUMA KEY), art that predicts the future, we can wonder along with the fictional folks,"How can this be happening?" Which is not that far from "Could that stuff ever happen to me?"

And such is the stuff my dreams are made of. Dreams of the sort that occur between waking and sleeping....We walk the land of illusion and surprise in this sphere. Never quite certain
what will appear to the mind's eye next, yet knowing Papa King will turn the page before it gets too scary.

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